The phonetic programme at the 66th edition of the Summer School of Slavonic Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague is provided under the direction of dr. Jitky Veroňková by teachers, students and other collaborators of the Institute of Phonetics FF UK. It includes lectures on the sound level of the Czech language (in Czech and English), workshops and corrective pronunciation lessons – both compulsory for the lowest levels and optional in the afternoon for all those interested. What is new is the training of correct pronunciation with the use of ultrasound, which is led by dr. Tanja Kocjančič, who also researches articulation through ultrasound in her grant project. The programme also includes work with the ProCzeFor application, which is used both during face-to-face phonetics lessons and for self-training and testing, especially of the perceptual skills of students – non-native speakers of Czech.